Gonna Feel the Bulldog Bite

Gonna Feel the Bulldog Bite

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Rookie Post

Hey, Guys.

So this is my first ever blog post. Try not to judge too harshly.

I'm sitting here in my studio apartment Juan Les Pins, France. It's about 5 minutes from the beach and you only need one word to really sum this place up. Gorgeous. As some of you might know, I will be here studying abroad with a group of 22 other people (all girls actually), 2 professors, and a program coordinator. The program's centered around the Cannes Lions International Fest of Creativity, a festival that takes place in Cannes, which is a 10 minute train ride from Juan Les Pins, for a week. For those of you who aren't in to advertising, this festival is basically Oscars for the Ad World. It features all the best campaign work for certain products, causes, and other topics from all over the world. It's honestly a gigantic privilege for me to even be here at such a young age and as a student. Men and women in the industry can work their entire lives and never make it out to this massive festival. Needless to say, I'm going to be trying hard to represent the University of Georgia well and take as much as I can from the experience.

All that aside, I've had a great time getting to know my fellow students thus far on the trip. They're all incredibly bright, gifted, and entertaining. I have no doubts in my mind that this will be one of the greatest experiences in my life.

I'll try and keep all of my readers (hopefully I'll have a few) updated on what happens during the next couple of weeks.

Be easy, Guys.

Oh, and on a side note, if any of you get the chance to come out to France, take advantage of the Absinthe.

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